Wednesday, May 14, 2008

We the Poor, Dumb People

They call us poor dumb people
Wild and wonderful West Virginians
Haughtily sneering down Obamanesque noses
Pundits of television, saints of elitism
Are they too blind to see?
Our names on the Viet Nam Wall?
Our blood soaking in the soil of Nazi Germany
Our names enshrined in the tombstones of the American Revolution
Our founders eternal words of government Of, By and For We, the poor dumb people.
We the working class people
We the people who sing "God Bless America."
As they rage "God Damn America."
We, the poor dumb people
We the builders, the creators of the American Dream.
We, poor dumb people who worship the Living God.
We who proclaim all of God's Children to be equal in His eyes.
We, who swell with pride on hearing the stirring "Star Spangled Banner."
We, who revere Old Glory and Pledge Allegiance to it.
We who farm a bountiful land and feed the whole world.
We the poor dumb people they hold in contempt
We the poor dumb people, proud and free
We Americans.

14 May 2008

Terel Johnson

Thursday, May 08, 2008

The Obama Virus or Hell Has Frozen Over.

In a year which presents the greatest opportunity for the Democratic Party to regain the White House after almost 8 years of the most disastrous and incompentent Republican Rule since Warren Harding/U.S. Grant the Democratic Party with typical self destructive impulses guided by the most vicious, racial bias to infect the American Republic since the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920's have virtually assured its defeat and relegation to the trash bin of this great nations history. Not since 1974 in the wake of the Watergate crimes and before that 1964 with the sympathy vote over President Kennedy's death has such a gift been presented to the Democrats. All for nought. What is the reason?

The reason by the most perverse tragedy of history is that the Party indeed the Clinton family who so completely dedicated themselves to the cause of Equality for our African American Citizens have been betrayed by those same African Americans coldly practicing the very Racism this party and Hillary Clinton in particular have so long and hard fought against. The gods of history must surely be playing a joke on the American people. Even the blindest of the blind cannot fail to see that when a whole race of people betray and turn on those who have always supported them and blindly vote as one massive beast of Judas's for the black candidate simply, purely and ONLY because of the color of his skin is RACIST.

And who will complain the loudest when the Republicans win in November. Why, these same Racist voters of course. They will accuse the nation and fellow Democrats of the racism that they themselves are most guilty of. Even now they are complaining today that a right wing radio host gave Hillary Clinton her victory in the state of Indiana by making Republicans vote for her. They forget to mention that Indiana doesn't have the massive dominance and numbers of Blacks in the Democratic Party that they have in North Carolina and the Racist Black Vote in North Carolina not Rush Limbaugh gave him such an overwelming victory in that state where all other Democratic groups voted for Hillary Clinton.

John McCain will win the presidential election of 2008. Hillary Clinton voters such as myself will vote for him rather than a Racist candidate.

Hell has frozen over.

Terel Johnson
08 May 2008

Monday, May 05, 2008

North Carolina Primary 06 May 2008

My home state will hold it's historic Democratic Primary today. The results potentially will make a real difference in the future of our country.

For the first time since 1964 when the Civil Rights Act was passed by President Lyndon Johnson and the Democratic Congress as Senator Hilary Clinton so rightly has pointed out to her great disadvantage among the very racial group this act was intended to benefit. The once solid Democratic South suddenly became the Solid Republican South. Yes, this was due to Racism. You can bet it was when descendents of those such as myself of that Republican parties efforts led by Abraham Lincoln and his Northern Aggressors Occupied, Burned, Pillaged, Destroyed, Raped and Killed our ancestors, today, actually give their allegiance to that Party.

I personally chose to stay with the party of my Ancestors the Democratic Party because like Lyndon Johnson and Terry Sanford and other right thinking Liberal Democrats I knew Racism was wrong and hopefully the Civil Rights Act of 1964 would begin to redress that wrong. Since that time the African American Vote has been solidly with the Democratic Party.

So, here we are today in 2008 faced with a choice of a Woman and a purported African American as the Democratic Nominee. The woman Hilary Clinton is the wife of President Clinton called before this election year the "first Black President" because of his support of anti discrimination laws towards African Americans. His wife Hilary has a life long record of working against discrimination against African Americans.

The purported African American Candidate Barach Obama is half white his mother having been white and his father an African student studying under a free gift from the United States at Harvard University. This man abandoned his wife and 2 year old son never to have anything to do with them again. Obama was called Barry for all the years of his youth. In his 20's he went to Kenya, adopted his father's Muslim Kenyan name of Barach Hussein and returned to the United States to seek political office in Chicago, Ilinois. Here he joined an Exclusively Afro Centric Church led by a Hating, Ranting Anti Semite, Racist to the core minister. He attended this church for over 20 years, this racist pastor married him and his wife Michele, a woman who arrograntly proclaims the only time she has ever been proud of her country is now when people are voting for her husband. He baptized the Obama children. Now, Mr. Obama expects us to believe he doesn't agree with this Racist Hate filled Black Minister. BALDERDASH!

Obama makes fun of his white Grandparents who mostly raised him in place of their irresponsible daughter because he says his white Grandmother expressed fear when passing young black men on the streets.
Really, well, let's see, every evening on the news you can see the faces of young black men who routinely murder, rape 93 year old white woman, are drug addicted, are criminal drug pushers, who impregnate their females most of whom the state supports both them and their children with welfare, medicaid and food stamps and who fill our prisons. This criminality is well know. Obama's Grandmother had a lot of common sense to fear such criminals regardless of race.

Excuse me but as I see it Obama is a Racist and in the obsessed search for his missing father male identity in calling himself after his name arouses my suspicion. There's something really negative similar to Adolf Hitler's search for his hateful abusive father. A lesson of history I pay attention too. Obama attending a Racist Black Church is Racist pure and simple to me. Over 90% of Blacks support Obama for one reason and only one reason, because he is Black or half Black. Excuse me but that is Racism by any fair intelligent standard. It's true Blacks are a large part of the Democratic Party's with white working class Democrats having been the minority in the South since the 1964 Civil Rights Act and voting Republican.

May I suggest it would be a good thing if the Democratic Party isn't supported by a Black Racism since anti discrimination laws against Racism was what brought them to the Democratic Party in the first place it is only horrifying that their own Racism should lead them away from the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party can do without Racists of any stripe white or now these Obama obsessed Black Racist.

I am hoping North Carolina's vote will reject this Black Racism among both North Carolina African American's and those white working class men and women who are genuine Democrats but who have voted Republican since 1964 (with the exception of Jimmy Carter in 1976). The return of white working class Democrats to the Democratic Party along with the non Racist African American support is a far better and acceptable thing than a party led by and dominated by Black Racism.

Hilary Clinton is the best candidate and God Willing the voters of North Carolina will vote for her thereby making her the next President of the United States.

06 May 2008

Terrell Johnson

Monday, March 17, 2008


Now that the American News Media, most of which are glaringly obvious propaganda arms of the Barry Hussein OBama campaign have with utmost reluctance shown the American People the Racist, Violent, Anti- I Hate America-God Blame America-God D... America, beliefs and sermons of that viper Jeremiah Wright who blasphemes God's name by called himself "Reverend" (one to be revered) these electrified apologist of the Press are falling all over themselves trying to separate said creature Obama from his Pastor if such a word can be used to describe the pathetic, mean spirited, tiny little soul called Jeremiah Wright.

The main point of the Obama apologist in the Press is that Obama can't be judged by a so called church again blaspheming by using our Saviours name in it's title he attends or a Pastor whose sermons he has listened to and fawningly praised for over 20 years. Said Wright, married Obama and his equally American Hating wife Michelle Obama, christened their two female offspring and by Obama's own words is his "Uncle."

I'll have to hand it to the news media as they finally came out with interviews from Indonesia where Obama attended school and was always named and called and remembered by his name "Barry." Is it not significant that attending a school in the world's largest Muslim country while his white mother was married to an Indonesian Muslim that he later changed his name "Barry" to a Muslim name "Barach" meaning in Arabic "Blessed of Allah." And, why are we who simply state this fact and ask this question labeled racists and religious bigots.
May I suggest that any other politician who the press didn't support certainly would not receive this kid glove treatment.

I understand that you don't necessarily agree with everything your pastor says. But, if you disagree strongly with enough of what a preacher preachs and a church teaches most people leave that pastor and that church more agreeable with their beliefs.

Jesus said, "By their Fruits shall ye know them.?" The American people at least those of us who think and believe in the color free society Martin Luther King sought rightly find the smell of Obama to be false, suspicious, unsavory and untrustworthy due to his own actions in his life, actions such as changing his name, attending a radical, racist, rabid Anti American Hating church (he has a perfect right to attend this church and hold it's beliefs, but not as President of my country), being raised by a mother with obvious mental problems, a biological father from Africa (not an African American) who abandoned him and his mother at age 2 and who he pathologically praises with plain mental pain, a stepfather from the worlds largest Muslim country, attending Islamic schools, changing his name from a perfectly good Anglo Saxon name of "Barry" to a Muslim name meaning "Blessed by Allah." Excuse me, but these actions stand over him and shout so loud all his pretty speeches and cunning use of the English Language are simply unheard.

That dog won't hunt as we say in the South.

Obama is a complete phony. Obama is dangerous. Obama is the complete opposite of what he projects himself as being. Obama is the racist candidate of an 11% minority of the American People intent on destroying the nation for it's historic abomination of enslaving their ancestors. Obama is a charismatic, messianic demogogue who if elected President will lead to our destruction.

I pray the true Creator God of Israel protects his people the United States of America from this Enemy from Within who Satan and his fallen angels are trying their dead level best to have elected President and with one fell swoop putting their agent's fingers on the nuclear trigger and the sure devastation for our land.

17 Mar 2008
Terry Johnson

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


What a crowd of pathetic cowards and emasculated shell's of lemmings the American News Media and many of the leaders of the Democratic Party are?

In high school while studying the New England Transcendental Writers my American Literature teacher gave us a quote from one of them which perfectly describes the political situaltion in todays Democratic Party and the presidental run of the Messianic Obama and any thing anyone says about it in opposition.

That is: "What you are stands above you and shouts so loud that I can't hear anything you say to the contrary."

Geraldine Ferrara the Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate in 1984, Hilary Clinton supporter, who is on a Finance Fundraising committee for her said that if Obama was white he wouldn't be treated with the fawning bootlicking worship the American News Media and supposedly highly educated whites sustain in their body slurping idolization of of him. Etc, etc, etc.

For this this woman or anyone else who speaks the plain truth that a 95% vote by the African American voter is pure RACISM, is accused of being a Racist by the Racists themselves. Many fine people who have spent entire life times fighting discrimination, racism, sexism, for the Equal Treatment and Civil Rights of all have been libeled, slandered and criminally accused of what the accusers themselves are most guilty of.

And, it takes a Woman, Geraldine Ferrara to finaly step up and tell it like it is.

The Obama Trojan Horse is a viris infecting the soul of the Democratic Party, a party which has been for Civil Rights for all since Wilson, Roosevelt, Kennedy, Johnson, and yes the Clintons.

What does it gain the Democratic Party if Racism gains the Presidency in 2009 and it has lost it's soul forever?

Saturday, March 08, 2008

This all too true story was emailed to me by a family fried and I'd like to share it here.


A biker is riding by the zoo, when he sees a little girl leaning into the lion's cage. Suddenly, the lion grabs her by the cuff of her jacket and tries to pull her inside to slaughter her, under the eyes of her screaming parents. The biker jumps off his bike, runs to the cage and hits the lion square on the nose with a powerful punch.

Whimpering from the pain the lion jumps back letting go of the girl, and the biker brings her to her terrified parents, who thank him endlessly.

A reporter has seen the whole scene, and addressing the biker, says: -'Sir, this was the most gallant and brave thing I saw a man do in my whole life.'

'Why, it was nothing, really, the lion was behind bars. I just saw this little kid in danger, and acted as I felt right.'

'Well, I'll make sur e this won't go unnoticed. I'm a journalist, you know, and tomorrow's papers will have this on the first page. By the way, what motorcycle do you ride?'

'A Harley Davidson.'

The journalist leaves. The following morning the biker buys the paper to see if it indeed brings news of his actions, and reads, on first page:


An excellent example of how our 'news' is distorted!!

Friday, March 07, 2008

Who exactly is harming the Democratic Party?

Despite the clear victories of Hilary Clinton in the March 4th primaries in Ohio, Rhode Island and Texas every single news media television report including ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, CNN and especially MSNBC are back on the Obama bandwagon just a bit outside of the Trojan Horse aimed squarely at the survival of the Democratic Party and more importantly the United States in which they mostly reside until appearing on the public airways to spread their Obama Messianic poison.

Last nights and this mornings spin is that Hilary Clinton is doing great harm to the Democratic Party's chances of winning against John McCain in November during the Presidential Election.

Great Caesars Ghost and BALDERDASH!!!

The harm has already been done by a tall, skinny, half white, half black, illogically called African American, floppy eared ambitious, purple lipped Senator from Illinois (more pity them) than anything Hilary Clinton has ever done. Due to the constant propaganda and massive support of the news media who scream the new Messiah's name by the second this creature Obama has about half of the people who voted in the Democratic Primaries. This does not include the actual DEMOCRATIC PARTY MEMBERS but Independents and Republicans purposely trying to defeat Hilary Clinton such is the virulence of their irrational hatred of her.

The overwelming majority of registered Democratic Voters have voted for Hilary Clinton and all the usual states which elect a Democratic President have been carried by Hilary Clinton.

This object of massive cult worship with the Islamic name and Muslim father, stepfather and ancestors and who purposely changed his name from Barry to Barach to identify himself with his father who abandoned him at age 2 FOREVER, as he likes the Islamic meaning which he has attached to himself of "Blessed of Allah is the one who has caused the harm.

These news media cultist who declare a word from the object of their worship sending electric shocks up their legs (Chris Matthews of MSNBC's Hardball) are the ones who caused the HARM. They are the ones guilty of sending lifelong Democratic voters like myself to the Republican and John McCain camp. These idiots point out with a straight face that their own polls show 25% of Democratic voters would vote for John McCain if their Muslim Idol is the Democratic Nominee.

I've got news for them, open your eyes cultists and you will see this figure is well night 100%.

The American News media, a vast Islamic conspiracy to destroy America from within and the slavishly Racist vote and duping of genuine African Americans (which Obama is not) who have like sheep to slaughter abandoned the Democratic Party which since the mid 20th Century is the party who fought so hard for their civil rights.

It is they who have caused HARM to the Democratic Party. It is they who will suffer it's consequences in continued Republican Rule and the welfare checks and food stamp donations the African Americans are pouring into the Obama campaign will all be for nought.

Lord what fools these stormtroopers be.

08 Mar 2008
Terry Johnson
Through a Glass: Darkly or Just how Black is Obama. has a piece on the latest absurdity from the Obama stormtroopers.

They are accusing Hilary Clinton of purposely darkening his skin (making it blacker) in a video showing him. This accusation was first posted on the left wing radical socialist Daily Kos site.

Now, I've continually said that Obama (it's the only part of his name we are allowed to write or speak for fear of being labeled racist by the news media) is not an African American. While it's true his father was an African and his mother was a white woman from Kansas his heritage is both African and American BUT he has nothing whatsoever in common with African American in the United States in that his Kenyan father was not a descendent of the slaves carried over to America when warring African tribes sold the defeated tribe into slavery to Muslim Arabs or European slave dealers. It is a matter of historical untruth, inaccurracy and downright LIES to call him an African American.

Well, it turns out did their usual fine job of debunking still another racist socialist lie. Anyone who does video or Photoshop could tell you how impossible it is to pick Obama's very light brown skin out of a video and make it blacker.

The video referred to is on that silly bastion of the masses called YouTube and the whole video is darker as the simpletons who put it there did a poor job of copying and uploading to the site.

The whole video is darker including my goodness dare we say it Hilary Clinton.

What these racist Afro Centric fiction mongers of the Obama party wouldn't do to get their favorite foreigner elected president of the United States and enter Washington in their Trojan Horse.

Yes, seeing through a glass Darkly, as darkly and sinister as the hidden agenda of the Obama madness is.

08 Mar 2008
Terry Johnson